New York County’s First Black County Clerk
If you examine JUDGE MILTON A. TINGLING JR.’s history, you will find his family boasts three generations of judges – his father, Milton A. Tingling, Sr., himself, and his daughter Aija Tingling, the first time this has happened for a Black family in American history.
Judge Tingling is used to being a first. He is the first Black County Clerk for New York County. He was appointed to the position in February, replacing Norman Goodman, who served in the position for 45 years. “God opened this door for me to make a difference,” said judge Tingling.
The County Clerk’s office is in charge of marriage licenses, notaries public, passports and jury service among other services. In the area of jury service, Judge Tingling has taken a most active role. ”So many people of color – regardless of age – feel jury duty is a waste of time because the justice system is racist,” he explained. “But if you believe Black lives matter, how can you not be a part of jury duty? We can’t allow racism to reside because you refuse to serve.”
The need to participate on jury duty becomes even more important when we look at the police murders of Eric Garner and George Floyd. “We have to execute our own power when people are trying to make us powerless,” noted Judge Tingling. “Criminal justice, voting legislation, and the census are all tied to the economy, living conditions and health.”