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Notable Women In Faith: Present

Lisa Sharon Harper


Acclaimed author of the bestselling book “The Very Good Gospel” and several others,  Lisa Sharon Harper is a prolific speaker, writer and faith activist who travels the country and across the globe dispensing the bitter truth she calls “the very good gospel.”

Her faith-rooted approach to advocacy and activism continues to inspire groups and audiences to address a wide array of issues form immigration reform and political injustice to racial justice and theological transformation.  Through her preaching, writing, leadership development training, and network building, Harper is engaging the church in the work for justice and racial equality.

She is the founder and was the executive director for New York Faith and Justice, and helped to establish Faith Leaders for Environmental Justice earlier in her career.

Harper is an Auburn Theological Seminary Senior Fellow, writes for several blogs and publications, and frequently appears as a commentator and guest on several national media outlets.  She is the president of Freedom Road USA, a consulting firm specifically focused on designing forums and shaping conversations around common understanding.

Soon to be ordained by the Evangelical Covenant Church, Ms. Harper holds a Master’s Degree in Human Rights from Columbia University.